Paul Speaks

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Pizza and Politics

I took This quiz that Erin mentioned. It asks you a bunch of questions about political issues, then tells you which candidates/parties you align with.
The results: I was a 40% match with Dems, 40% match with the GOP, and, surprise surprise, a 40% match with the Green Party. I did match slightly higher with Kerry than Bush. I forget the exact percentages, but it was less than 10% difference. So I guess I should split up my vote evenly among the candidates. That would be roughly equivalent to (gasp!) not voting.
Who should I vote for and why? (50 words or less).

So sorry about the "pizza" red herring. Some of you might get that reference. Most will not.


  • vote for kerry if you're not an asshole, which i hope you're not. republicans are greedy war mongers who have no compassion for people less fortunate than themselves. they don't respect life, religion, the environment, or the world as a whole.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:25 PM  

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