Paul Speaks

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

News is evil

I really don't like the fact that I can't do "normal" things like check the news on right now. Why can't I do that you are wondering? Because The Olympics are tape delayed by a ridiculous number of hours, and every website in the world likes to post the results as soon as they are available. Well, except for, since they actually want you to watch. What is the point of watching if you already know the result? Sometimes there is a point, but it is definitely less exciting.

Cool Olympic fact: They are holding the prelinaries of the shot put competition today at the site of the ancient olympic games. In fact, spectators will have to stand, since there were no seats at the original Olympic games venues. The guy on NBC last night claimed that our word stadium comes from a Greek word meaning 'to stand' for this very reason, but Merriam & Webster do not support this claim. Instead they say it comes from stadion, an ancient greek/roman unit of measurement, appx 185 meters. Hmm, that's really weird to name a building after it's length.


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