Paul Speaks

Thursday, August 18, 2005


I'm playing in The Game this weekend. A lot of times when people talk about the game, to other people who don't know what the game is, they tell them to check out It's a decent site, but anytime I visit it, I leave wanting more...
The official site for this weekend's game is here. As you can see, it's roughly based on a Hithchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy theme. I'm playing with a bunch of friends from work who I've done other puzzle events with before. Basically we get to spend the entire weekend driving around in a rented van, visiting all sorts of random places in Western Washington (probably - no one knows the route beforehand), and solving all sorts of weird puzzles. It should be a ton of fun, I haven't played in an event of this sort since I was an intern (2002).
My Teammates:
Scott (boring work blog :) )
[Edit: Thanks to Erin for the last link. I had to delete and repost this so I was lost the actual comment. Don't worry our team's status has been restored to "Devestatingly Trendy" due to blogging.]

Wish Us Luck! I may try to do a few AudioBlogs from the road.


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