Wow, that previous post, while highly entertaining and exquisitely written, destroyed Blogger's beautiful layout of this very webpage.
That reminds me of something I was reading about blogging recently. It said that having a blog on LiveJournal, Blogger, etc, will very soon be the equivalent of having a geocities webpage, or an aol/yahoo/hotmail email address. Namely, that you aren't nearly as savvy as your purport to be by having an online presence in the first place. Legitimate blogs should be hosted on a 'legitimate' site, such as a news site, your own personal homepage etc., in order to enhance their credibility. But I have plenty of credibility so I'm not really concerned
The reason the first item reminded me of the article is that I found it rather disappointing that blogger couldn't handle some extra large graphic, or some oddly formatted html from an awful quiz webpage. On the other hand, maybe the page still looks fine to you and it's just my relatively small monitor that squeezing things around.
That reminds me of something I was reading about blogging recently. It said that having a blog on LiveJournal, Blogger, etc, will very soon be the equivalent of having a geocities webpage, or an aol/yahoo/hotmail email address. Namely, that you aren't nearly as savvy as your purport to be by having an online presence in the first place. Legitimate blogs should be hosted on a 'legitimate' site, such as a news site, your own personal homepage etc., in order to enhance their credibility. But I have plenty of credibility so I'm not really concerned
The reason the first item reminded me of the article is that I found it rather disappointing that blogger couldn't handle some extra large graphic, or some oddly formatted html from an awful quiz webpage. On the other hand, maybe the page still looks fine to you and it's just my relatively small monitor that squeezing things around.
Sorry there buddy, but the format was messed up on this end too. By the way, you aren't funny. Well funny looking maybe, but thats it.
Anonymous, at 8:23 AM
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