Paul Speaks

Monday, October 10, 2005

Lesson Learned

Last weekend i went to Mexico. Before the trip, I was trying to get people to go with me, but no one wanted to, or was able to make it. In particular, I was a little disappointed that I didn't have a female companion to take with me.
It turned out to be OK, as I had a great time anyway, and I'd never traveled alone before.

At the Inn I stayed at, there were a few other groups of people vacation as well. There were three or four couples, and a group of about ten older guys, mostly from LA. It seemed like a core group of 4-5 friends, and each had invited some other friends. One thing that was really striking to me was how the group of guys seemed to be having a WAY better time than all the couples that were there.

So, the lesson of the day was that taking vacations with friends should not be overlooked. Theoretically I should have already known this, since I've taken a bunch of vacationsn with friends (Vegas + Whistler, twice each), and they've all been amazing. But sometimes I'm a slow learner.


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