Paul Speaks

Wednesday, August 31, 2005


This is mainly so I don't lose this link.

The Biweekly blog so you don't think i'm dead

This is the part where I just mention a bunch of random things because
a) I haven't posted anything in a while
b) Not much I have to say really merits an entire post
c) I like random things.
d) Puppies

First of let me just say I am very glad to have seen this story on CNN. I mean, I was really worried about the future... but now I can rest easy. One thing I don't like about this article is that girls will read it and say "Oh, the Y Chromosome is dysfunctional, that explains a lot!" or something similarly lacking in creativity and humor.

Next item on the agenda: Is Paul All Talk? Answer: No, and hopefully not. As discussed in my recent "Running" post, I have officially signed up to run in a half-marathon next Monday (Labor Day). For those of you keeping score at home, that's 13.1 miles. I was able to do a long run of about 11+ miles last Thursday, so I think I'm ready for it.

The Game. This was last weekend (no, not this past weekend, the one before that. Yesterweekend I guess.). Our team did pretty well, finishing 7th out of 22 teams, and we had a great time. Whenever I go into more detail than that, I get blank stares and comments like "Well, it sounds like you guys had fun...". If you really want to know more you can check out The website and The discussion forums.

Penultimately, I'll just mention that I'm going to be in Boston for a weekend, Sept 23-25.

And for my last trick I'll again mention that I'm leaning towards using my free Alaska Airlines ticket to go to Mexico pretty soon. I might try to do some surfing while I'm there. Let me know if you want to come :)

Thursday, August 18, 2005


I've been slacking on my blogging here lately, hopefully you've been enjoying Phosography in the meantime.

I've been running again, albeit rather sporadically. I was getting in pretty good shape, but then I couldn't run for about two weeks after I got my wisdom teeth out. I still haven't been running as frequently as I'd like, but I was able to get in a good ten mile run yesterday before work. If I can do another long run during the week next week, I'm planning to run in the Super Jock-N-Jill Half Marathon on Labor Day. I won't be in super great racing shape, but if I keep waiting for that, I may never run another race again... It's already been over a year since my last one, which was the Shore Run last June. I'd be really happy if I could run close to 1:40 or under, and slightly disappointed if I run slower than 1:50.


I'm playing in The Game this weekend. A lot of times when people talk about the game, to other people who don't know what the game is, they tell them to check out It's a decent site, but anytime I visit it, I leave wanting more...
The official site for this weekend's game is here. As you can see, it's roughly based on a Hithchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy theme. I'm playing with a bunch of friends from work who I've done other puzzle events with before. Basically we get to spend the entire weekend driving around in a rented van, visiting all sorts of random places in Western Washington (probably - no one knows the route beforehand), and solving all sorts of weird puzzles. It should be a ton of fun, I haven't played in an event of this sort since I was an intern (2002).
My Teammates:
Scott (boring work blog :) )
[Edit: Thanks to Erin for the last link. I had to delete and repost this so I was lost the actual comment. Don't worry our team's status has been restored to "Devestatingly Trendy" due to blogging.]

Wish Us Luck! I may try to do a few AudioBlogs from the road.

Fleece Part 1

Once upon a time Paul went to Ireland, and bought a green fleece jacket.
And everyday Paul would wear his fleece because it was his favorite.
But one day, Paul misplaced the green Fleece from Ireland.
Because of that, he never saw it again.
And because of that, Paul was very sad.
Until finally his aunts went back to Ireland and offered to try to find a replacement for the fleece!

[ to be continued... ]

Saturday, August 06, 2005

they better be

I was at my favorite hangout today, Bed Bath & Beyond. I was there to buy some cookie sheets, since I can't seem to find mine, and my kitchen isn't hot enough and I want to turn the oven on. They didn't have much of a selection. In fact there was only one product that I'd actually call cookie sheets, it was a set of three Air Bake brand, which I think are supposed to be pretty good, so I got them. I took them to the cashier to pay (I bought a bunch of other stuff too but that's irrelevant to the story, but I'll mention it anyway since you're probably wondering).
I had the following conversation:
TheCashier: (looking at the cookie sheets) Oh, these are the best kind!
Me: They better be.
TheCashier: "And why's that?" (with a stupid grin like she expects some clever, challenging response).
Me: It's the only kind you sell.
TheCashier: (sheepishly) Oh.

The end.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

this is an audio post - click to play